This is my why. My marriage has formed me, our children have shaped me. I believe that our everyday is worth documenting, and our wedding day worth revisiting again and again. And I believe the exact same thing about you. Because in many many years, true photographs of yourself and the people you love will be priceless treasures.

My name is Stephanie Lyell. I have been photographing weddings and families for 14 years and been married the same amount of time. I have met amazing people, witnessed many stories, seen the joys, even some of the heartaches. Every year I am as excited as the last to see who I will meet, and what kind of meaning-filled stories we will tell together.


Stephanie here. Photography has seen me through many things, years as an angsty teenager, falling in love as a college student, and the wonder-filled days of motherhood. It’s a means of expression, of remembrance, a way to write poetry out of the beauty I see in the world.

A few things about me - I am a huge extrovert. I love getting to know new people, which is probably why this job has been such a good fit for my soul. Every time a new person opens up their heart to us and allows us to make images of their story - a little spark lights up inside. A do love a good cup of coffee. I honestly feel so happy when I am across the table from a human I love, hands wrapped around a warm mug with steam pouring out. I like old country music, bluegrass, and singer-songwriters who pour out their souls through lyrics and notes. A day in the woods or walking around the city are days well spent in my book, I love to get out and explore.

The two things that mean the most to me - my faith in Jesus and my family. There is great meaning and beauty in them both and I will spend my life putting them on the highest pedestal.

So excited to get to know you!
